My name is Sarah.

A wife, mother, daughter, and friend full of gratitude for the people who call me their own.

A sinner through and through saved by extravagant grace.

A writer who spins words from the heart — both for joy and survival.

 I crave adventure and love putting my hands to the plow, working the earth God gifted us, and eating the fruits of His creation to nourish body and mind. 

Winter is my favorite season. The sunsets, the snow, the rejuvenating cold, the earth as it rests — everything about it is perfect. I hope I always live in a place with winter.

A coffee mug is the natural extension of my hand. I love coffee and it loves me.

I dabble in homesteading practices, finding joy in trying new things and living a tad bit different from the norm. 

My journey, perspective on living, and how my family walks through life is with hands held open to God’s plan and purpose. In that posture we become deeply rooted in faith and love that would otherwise be unattainable.

So here I am, carving out my dust spec of space in this virtual world, hoping you’ll join me for the adventure as we bare our souls, grapple with the untidy rooms in our hearts, and seek to honor Christ through it all.


Sweet friend,

I’m so glad you’re here! I want to sit together, from worlds away, over a mug of coffee and invite you to take this time to pause in life’s journey riddled with the joys, sorrows, pleasures, and pains. Let’s allow the truth and grace of our Creator to change the deep soul places that make us human.

May these words I pen travel through the cracks and crevices of your well-worn and heart, mind, and soul, to reveal the greater gift and purpose in this life…to live in grace and reveal the glory of Christ.